
1)      What is the verb tense, how is it different than the Passé Composé?

a.       L’imparfait is used when talking about the past. It’s different from passé compose because passé compose is used to describe things that started and ended at a certain time. L’imparfait is actions that you do regularly, the time that they started and ended doesn’t matter

2)      When do you use it?  vs when should you use the Passé Composé

a.       You use l’imparfait to describe a repeated or continuous event that has happened in the past. Passé compose is used to relate actions or events that began and ended at a specific time.

3)      L’imparfait regular

To get the stem for the imperfect, drop the –ons ending from the nous form of the present tense. Then add the imperfect stem. The stem is the same for every verb, except for être.

                                   Parler                                    Finir                                       Attendre

Present                                nous parlons                      nous finissons                   nous attendons

Stem                                     parl-                                       finiss-                                    attend-


                                                je parlais                              je finissais                           j’ attendais

                                                tu parlais                              tu finissais                           tu attendais

                                                il/elle/ parlait                     il/elle finissait                    il/elle attendait

                                                nous parlions                     nous finissions                  nous attendions

                                                vous parliez                        vous finissiez                     vous attendiez

                                                ils/elles parlaient              ils/elles finissaient           ils/elles attendaient


Avoir                             -->           nous avons                        -->           j’avais

Commencer               -->           nous commençons          -->           je commençais

Faire                              -->           nous faisons                       -->           je faisais

Manger                        -->           nous mangeons                 -->           je mangeais

Croire                            -->           nous croyons                     -->           je croyais


j’étais                                                            nous étions

tu étais                                                         vous étiez

il/elle étais                                                  ils/elles étaient

Ne jamais -never
    Je ne suis jamais dancer
Ne personne- nobody
    Nous ne sommes vu personnes
Ne pas-not
    Elle ne est pas froid
Ne rien-nothing
    je n'ai rien fait
Without a numeric code…

Grave Accented Letter                                                                                  Example:  è

On your keyboard press CTRL + ` (accent grave), the letter

Acute Accented Letter                                                                                  Example: é

Press CTRL + ‘ (apostrophe), the letter

Circumflex Accented Letter                                                                         Example:  Ô

Press CTRL + ^ (caret), the letter

C with the Cedilla under it                                                                            Example:  ç, Ç

Press CTRL + ,(comma), c

To make the C a capital press shift after the comma.

( CTRL + , + shift + C )

To add a Trema                                                                                                 Example:  Ï  Ü

Press CTRL + shift + : + the letter